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DIGIMobileV2 Privacy Policy

DIGIEVER respects your privacy and takes your privacy very seriously. We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information in the following principles:

DIGIMobileV2 will only collect your information in the following situations:

1. Information you provide

We collect the content and other information you provide when you use our services, including when you log in a NVR, enable interactive functions such as push notification, two-way audio and network horn speaker in order to improve and develop, and enhance the application.

2. Device information

We collect information from or about the mobile devices where you install or access our services, depending on the permissions you’ve granted. Here are some examples of the device information we collect:

  • Attributes such as the operating system, Android version and device identifiers.
  • Connection information such as ISP, language and time zone.

We are passionate about creating safe and customized experiences for remote monitoring.
We use all of the information we have to help us provide and support our services.

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